Friday, March 8, 2013

Who am I?

I can't find the time to wonder or bask in hedonistic pastimes.

Do you ever feel like throwing in the towel?

There was a debate in class today. About women being able to have it all.
That it is impossible.

Everyone is so misinformed.

It's not.
Maintining focus is key in eveything. However, it does seem as though with each moment spent another task piles onto the list. I've got more things past due than I have finger, toes, and limbs..

-Is ignorance still bliss?

-Remember when they said that marijuana is a gateway drug?

-If your head and all showing skin were covered and nothing but your outfit remained.. Would you look like everyone else?

-Have you forgotten about the government monitoring you?

-How much is your phone bill?

-After relinquishing all my worldly possessions and settling my debts.. Which countries can I run away to without having to worry about high taxes, shitty jobs, getting raped and/or being prosecuted for my sexuallity, interests, and opinions?


It's the 8th. & I'm confused.

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